
  • Stormwater control measures (SCMs) are measures taken to control rainwater runoff into streams and lakes. As rainwater flows off pavement, rooftops, or even lawns, it carries pesticides, fertilizers, oil, and sediment. SCMs prevent those pollutants from reaching lakes and streams. Our staff is experienced in designing underground storm drainage systems, bio-retention gardens, vegetation strips, or grassy swales. The plants in the structures slow the flow of stormwater to a controlled rate and filter out the pollutants. A level spreader is a type of SCM that dissipates the energy of water flowing down hill, which controls erosion.

  • A hydrologic and hydraulic (H&H) study examines the movement of water, including the volume and rate of flow as it moves through a watershed, basin, channel, or man-made structure. In the process of developing an emergency action plan, A&O performs a detailed H&H analysis to determine the extent of inundation resulting from a dam breach. The inundation map is incorporated into the county or municipal GIS system for notification of residents in danger of a potential disaster.

  • A&O provides hydraulic design services for stream crossings, roadway projects, and land development projects. Impacts to the 100-yr floodplain can result from site development, roadway crossings, greenway trails, or dam impoundments. Hydraulic designs are used to assist in determining proposed bridge lengths and elevations of bridge decks with an ultimate goal to reduce or eliminate potential flooding of property.

  • Water resources engineers at Alpha & Omega Group are well-acquainted with the technical, regulatory, and coordination requirements associated with dam EAP preparation. We provide dam inspection, hydrologic and hydraulic analysis, dam break analysis, and inundation mapping as part of the process of developing an EAP. The EAP describes potential emergency conditions including security risks at respective reservoirs. It explains how an emergency will be detected and evaluated. It is expected that an emergency would be detected by firsthand observation, monitoring of the local and remote instrumentation, and current weather and new forecasts obtained from several media sources. The EAP provides a clear description of actions to be taken in response to the emergency conditions at the dam. It contains notification flow charts identifying procedures for warning and evacuations during an emergency condition. We ensure that the EAP meets local and federal regulatory compliance.

  • A Federal Emergency Management Agency flood study is a collection of data for calculating risk for a specific body of water or flood hazard area of a community. A&O has expertise in conducting FEMA flood studies to create emergency action plans.

  • A&O provides roadway drainage and erosion control design to protect the natural environment during the construction phase of a project. Our plans typically include soil stabilization timeframes, existing ground contours, and construction sequencing for multi-phase erosion and sediment control measures without contours. Erosion control measures may include silt fences with outlets, slope matting, curb inlet screens, sediment ditches with pump bags, temporary sediment basins, diversion ditches, and rock dams, and coir fiber wattles.
